
ALA here I come!

It's official!


(and seriously, the GIFs could go on and on and on)

This is a HA-YUGEEEEE deal for me because 1) I've never been to a book or blogger convention before ANY convention before, and 2) I'll probably get to meet some amazing bloggers, authors, etc.! :D

I'm seriously like excited, freaked out, but also a little nervous and jittery. I mean, it seems intimidating– as Laini Taylor mentioned in a blog post from a couple years ago about "the run of the librarians"... me being a tiny person, it's not going to be good if that happens :P (lol but it would be amusing to watch).
But I also did read across numerous blog posts about how there's this whole thing about bloggers nearly being banned from this convention because of shoving, pushing, etc. so... I don't know how that's going to be. Hopefully it doesn't happen, cause it HAS happened in a Paramore (featuring The Swellers) concert and by the end I wasn't a very happy Rabiah– and more or less felt like being squished by two large Neanderthals, being shoved into my friend from behind (and getting like a face-full of hair), being pushed around by the wave of fans... it was crazy. Not something I would enjoy re-living again.

I'm actually visiting the US in the first place (I live in Singapore for those who don't know) because I'm there for university tours. So YES, I may be able to attend fabulous conventions like these in the future! YAY! But that does mean that I will only be there for ALA for the last three days, the 30th of June to the 2nd of July, because the uni tours only end on the 29th, and I'll be in Washington D.C. then, so yeah :P Need time to get to Chicago! But I should be there, bright and early in the morning (once I find out when the doors actually open), pumped up and ready... and possibly wondering what on earth to do :P



I really want to meet you :) It'll be fabulous to meet you in actual real life! hehe lol, but here's a pic of me in case you see me and you just want to say hi:

Yes, this is how I look in actual real-life guys. Obviously, not as posed as this, but something like it. I'm a theatre student, what would you expect?
So come up to me and say hi– trust me, I'm super short (like 5 ft 2 :P) and not scary.

I'm really excited, because thanks to the fabulous Nikki at Fiction Freak (YOU. ARE. AWESOME.) I get to meet Krystal at Live to Read!!! This is going to be amazing guys– I've been following her blog for a long time and getting the chance to meet her is like WOWIE WOW WOW. I don't know what that was, but you get the point!
I'd also like to thank Lena at Addicted 2 Novels (yes, THE Lena!!), because she gave me TONS of advice about ALA and like do's and don't's, so I'm in gratitude to her for giving me a better picture of ALA!

AND THE AUTHORS GUYS, THE AUTHORS! I've like, booked my entire calendar of my two-days of attending author signings :D Not many people come here for signings, so this many authors on two days is like AMAZE-BALLS.

Some attending (which hopefully I shall be able to get books signed from) are: Lauren Myracle, Ashley Hope Perez, Katherine Paterson, Marcus Sedgewick, Shannon Delany, A.G. Howard, Ally Carter, Michael Grant, Simone Elkeles, Hannah Moskowitz, Ellen Hopkins, Brandon Mull, Julie Cross, and SO MANY MORE. 

You can see that there's like a gajillion authors and so very little time, so HOPEFULLY, I shall be able to get to most of them :D

I think that's it for now... I shall have a pre-ALA post, before I leave. I seriously need to give a HUGE thanks to Richa at City of Books, one of my best actual real life friends, because without her telling me, I would have had no idea that ALA would be going on in the time I was visiting the US, and for being super excited about it with me. LUBBBB YOUUUUU.

So yup, got my ticket confirmed, got some business cards made– they are GORGEOUS guys! I'm gonna totally be like:

Hahaha, totally have no previous experience when it comes to business cards... I'm 17, for crying out loud!

So anyway, yup, that's my whole long post, which I pretty much ramble on throughout :P

YAY! Really can't wait guys!!

Are you going to ALA?
Let me know in the comments or shoot me an email and we can meet up :)
( iliveforreading AT hotmail DOT com )


    Your excitement is so contagious hahaha. Less than 2 weeks till we leave!

  2. Soo jealous!
    I mean... sooo happy for you! ;)
    but im a little jealous too!
    have fun

    Theresa Jones

    Also, feel free to stop by my blog to enter my $100 Giveaway!

  3. This is seriously SO EXCITING! I remember my first ALA- it was so overwhelming because I had no idea what I was doing, haha. ;) But you will be prepared and you will most definitely have an AWESOME time. It is so wonderfully convenient that you're going on university tours at the same time ALA is going. Make sure you have a plan of which authors you want to see, but at the same time, have some flexibility so you can chat with people. Also, a backpack of some sort may be helpful, although they do have some pretty sturdy bags for books. But your arms will get tired! Oh, and comfy shoes are a must. ;)

    Anyways, I hope you have a lovely time there, and I can't wait to see what awesome books you get! <3

    -Aneeqah @ My Not So Real Life

  4. Congrats! Good luck with your school tours and have fun at ALA!


Thank you for taking the time to comment! I'll try to visit your blog (if you have one) and comment back!