
Fugitive X by Gregg Rosenblum

Fugitive X by Gregg Rosenblum

Release Date: January 7, 2014
Publisher: HarperTeen
Series: Revolution 19, Book 2
Rated: YA 14+
Format: eGalley
Source: Edelweiss
Buy: AmazonThe Book Depository

Read my review of Revolution 19 HERE

Their fight for freedom is humanity's last hope for survival. The chilling Revolution 19 trilogy continues in Fugitive X.

A war between humans and robots is on the horizon, and only one side will survive.

Siblings Nick, Kevin, and Cass are struggling to survive in a world where deadly, sophisticated robots have turned on their creators and enslaved mankind. Fugitives from one of the bot-controlled Cities, the siblings venture into the woods, but when they are attacked by bot foot soldiers, the siblings are separated...and for the first time, they are on their own.

Fugitive X totally met my expectations, and even went beyond! I was afraid that there would be a case of second-book-itus, but nope– this one totally lived up to what I'd hoped for. This one takes place not too long after where Revolution 19 left off, and I'm thankful that I got to read this back to back with the first novel, because I would have been completely confused as to what was going on and who was who. This book brings back a lot of characters from the first, and allows for the development of our three protagonists Nick, Cass and Kevin.

What I absolutely loved about this one was the fact that there was SO much room for getting to know the characters in this instalment of the trilogy. I think after the world-building was the main focus of the Revolution 19, this one was more on how the characters were involved with the plot.
I don't know why, but I still find Nick a little frustrating. He's still really reckless and too easy with giving trust. AND he focuses way too much on girls. Sure, it's great to know things from a guy's perspective, but in the middle of the action, do you really need to focus on how close she's standing next to you and how close she is so that you can kiss her? It's like "Oh look that's about to blow up, maybe I should help people... but oh my gosh, she's standing so close to me and looking at me like that. Is she gonna kiss me?" BOOM.
Cass went through some interesting changes this time round. I don't want to give anything away, but it does start from early on in the book, so you won't be strung out too long. I thought her story was really engaging and definitely a major point throughout the book. She wasn't featured as much in the last book, and neither was Kevin, so I'm glad that Fugitive X really featured them as prominent characters. Kevin's story was also really fascinating, as there's some interesting developments with the bots, and I thought, while the twist in the story was kind of predictable, his story was probably the best because it was slightly different from what the series had brought out in the first book.

What I wasn't a fan of was the love triangle. I really thought it was unnecessary and that there was not much emotions from either girl, just Nick looking at their physical appeal and having to "choose" between them time to time. 
I liked that there was a split in perspectives though, and as I mentioned before, it really allowed us as readers to get to know the characters even more. There were also some great changes in the setting: it not only goes back to the city, but there's a lot more in the forest that's uncovered in this book. However, I'm still REALLY confused about the Senior Advisor. I smell a really big plot shocker possibly coming up in the final book of the trilogy, so I hope all will be revealed then.

There's never a dull moment in sight when it comes to this trilogy, and I'm glad because this one had me on the edge of my seat. Fugitive X was fast-paced, riveting, and left me hungry for the next book. Gregg Rosenblum has crafted an original YA series that I'm sure readers of all ages will find gripping from start to finish. 

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