
Tell Me Three Things by Julie Buxbaum

Tell Me Three Things by Julie Buxbaum

Release Date: April 5, 2016
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Rated: YA 14+
Format: ARC
Source: Publisher
Buy: AmazonThe Book Depository
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Everything about Jessie is wrong. At least, that’s what it feels like during her first week of junior year at her new ultra-intimidating prep school in Los Angeles. Just when she’s thinking about hightailing it back to Chicago, she gets an email from a person calling themselves Somebody/Nobody (SN for short), offering to help her navigate the wilds of Wood Valley High School. Is it an elaborate hoax? Or can she rely on SN for some much-needed help?

It’s been barely two years since her mother’s death, and because her father eloped with a woman he met online, Jessie has been forced to move across the country to live with her stepmonster and her pretentious teenage son.

In a leap of faith—or an act of complete desperation—Jessie begins to rely on SN, and SN quickly becomes her lifeline and closest ally. Jessie can’t help wanting to meet SN in person. But are some mysteries better left unsolved?

I feel really bad because I received this one a while back (probably in January), and was supposed to review it for the pub date wayyyy back in April. Unfortunately, I never got around to reading and reviewing it...until now. Oh Rabiah. Rabiah, Rabiah, Rabiah. Foolish, STUPID Rabiah! I HAVE SO MANY REGRETS! Tell Me Three Things was ah-mazing. It was like a young adult version of You've Got Mail, except where the guys knows who she is from the start. Love of Meg Ryan movies aside, I came out of this one with a huge smile on my face–this book made me so happy!

I loved Jessie's character, and it's probably because I definitely understand the whole new-school thing. I've done that at least seven or eight times! It's tough when you're the new kid, especially if you're shy or look different from everyone else. Theo kind of grew on me and totally reminded me of Shane Harvey's character from MTV's Faking It. There are quite a few characters featured in this novel that are possibly S/N. The messages between Jessie and S/N were so adorable! Although it seemed a little weird at the start, I love how that relationship developed. Liam and Ethan were both such great characters–both are super cute and swoon-worthy (and I wanna listen to Oville music now...). 

The "mystery" was a little bit obvious (for me at least), but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the ride immensely. There were a few mistakes here and there on Jessie's part, which lead to a few complications, but I read this book in one sitting because I HAD to know who was S/N. That ending was seriously not how I saw everything going down! It's quite hilarious how things turn out, and I was, as you can probably tell, more than satisfied with how the story ended.

Tell Me Three Things is officially one of my favourites this year! This book was (1) sweet, (2) charming and (3) hilarious–Julie Buxbaum's young adult debut will have you smiling the whole way through. Don't make my mistake and push this one back (still have so many regrets!). Pick it up and read it, because you will not be disappointed.

Also...I'm totally craving waffles now.

▪ ▪ ▪ Thank you so much to Jillian at Random House Children's Books for sending me a copy for review! ▪ ▪ ▪

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  1. Ooo... That cover is making me want something sweet. Books and sweets. A lethal, yet necessary combination.

    Also, don't feel bad about not reviewing fast enough. I'm years behind on some of my Netgalley requests. (Shamefully goes and sits in the corner.)

    I'm glad you liked the book. :)

    Rachelle @ Shell's Stories

  2. Yaaaaaaaay! I'm so glad you enjoyed this book, Rabiah! Wasn't it great? Since you liked this one, I highly recommend P.S. I Like You by Kasie West (but you knew that!). I'm usually not a YA contemporary person, but that book and Tell Me Three Things are two of my favorites of 2016 so far! =)

    Great review!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  3. I absolutely loved this book! It was one of those unexpectedly tender, funny and just a generally feel-good read. I'm glad you loved it, too.

  4. I heard this book was fantastic, can't wait to check it out!


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