
Top Ten Tuesday – Week 35

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the bloggers over at The Broke and the Bookish. This week's top ten is:

Top Ten Books I'd Recommend as Good Beach Reads

Yay! Totally perfect to get into the summer mood :D I'm not going to the beach this summer, but here's some reads which you should definitely check out:

1. The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han. I've yet to finish this trilogy (I'm aching to get my hands on third book) but I think this would be the ultimate summer: boys, the beach, love and heartbreak– truly a summer full of drama and romance.

2. That Summer by Sarah Dessen. Loved this one, and even though this is probably the "tamest" Dessen novel of them all, it's one that you can feel good about :).

3. Every Little Thing in the World by Nina de Gramont. Summer camp, kayaking, pregnancy, and boys. I read this way back in 2010 (or 2009) and I still think it's a summer book which anyone will enjoy.

4. Getting Over Garrett Delaney by Abby McDonald. Forget falling in love– reading about falling out of it is much more fun! This summer of love detoxication is just fab and funny.

5. Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella. This is actually an adult chick-lit, but I think YA readers could read this one. It's so much fun (and very original) and I'm definitely looking forward to reading more of her books :D.

6. Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen. Any Dessen book would actually do for the summer!

7. Pants on Fire (Tommy Sullivan is a Freak) by Meg Cabot. LOVE THIS ONE and it's Meg Cabot– need I say more?

8. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares. Four summers, four girls, a pair of magical pants. Oh wait. Sorry! 5 summers filled with love and friends. The movies for these books are also as amazing :D

9. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Even though this one is a little, err old, this summer is no different: love, drama and a shocking end. The movie's coming soon, so why not read it?

10. Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty. I only read the first in the Jessica Darling series, but this one is fabulous. Love McCafferty's writing!

And that is all for my list! Speaking of summer, what's in your summer TBRs? Leave a comment!

What's your top ten?


  1. great picks, its got me thinking about me summer reads :D **New Follower** luv ur blog.

  2. Sounds like a great reading list! Following you from The Life Of Fiction! Hoping you will follow back!


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