Movie Reviews (12)

Ahh... the holidays. Time for reading, blogging, and guess what? watching movies! Here's some short Movie Reviews.

Babies (2010)

Starring: Ponijao, Mari, Bayar, Hattie
Rated: PG
My Rating: 4 stars

This one was SO adorable :)
It's a documentary looking at the lives of 4 babies: 2 in the city and 2 in the rural areas, of different parts of the globe. These four little babies are so cute, each very different, and have different backgrounds and influences. I wouldn't recommend little kids to watch though, because of some maternal nudity, but the rest of it is fine.
We see how kids are growing up in different areas of the world, and it shines a new perspective on the world around us. (wow... that was deep :P)
Recommended to people who love babies and want some "AWWWW" moments.

Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol (2011)

Starring: Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner
Rated: PG-13
My Rating: 4.5 stars

I saw this one TWICE in theaters, so obviously, it's gotta be good ;).
I haven't seen the previous Mission Impossible films, but I don't think it's necessary to in order to watch this film. It's got loads of action and the perfect ice breakers in between. The plot's amazing and the character's all have their own spark. I don't know how this one compares to the others, but this one is SO good. Like, I think it might have been one of the best I watched last year :P.
MI fans: which one's the best?? Leave a comment.
Recommended to people who liked Tower Heist  and the other Mission Impossible films.

That's all for this week, kinda been a busy week, so sorry for the lame reviews. But definitely, if you haven't seen these, go watch them!

What have you recently watched?

Twisted by Sara Shepard

Twisted by Sara Shepard

Release Date: July 5, 2011
Publisher: HarperTeen
Series: Pretty Little Liars, Book 9
Rated: YA 14+
Format: Hardcover
Source: Borrowed
Buy: AmazonThe Book Depository

It’s been a year since the torturous notes from A stopped and the mystery of Alison DiLaurentis’s disappearance was finally put to rest. Now seniors in high school, Aria, Spencer, Hanna and Emily are older, but they’re not any wiser. The Pretty Little Liars have more secrets than ever - twisted secrets that could destroy the perfect lives they’ve worked so hard to rebuild. 

Aria’s jealous of her boyfriend’s new exchange student. Spencer’s getting a little too cozy with her soon-to-be-stepbrother. Hanna’s one scandalous photo away from ruining her dad’s Senate campaign. And Emily will do anything to get a swim scholarship.

Worst of all: Last spring break in Jamaica, they did something unforgivable. The girls are desperate to forget that fateful night, but they should know better than anyone that all secrets wash ashore … eventually.

**WARNING: May contain spoilers if you haven't read the previous books**

I'd totally forgotten how addicting this book series was!
It's been a while since Wanted came out, so I've been satisfying myself by watching the amazing TV series. But of course, I was completely psyched when I heard there was going to be an additional four books to the series. Then again, I was a little confused about how the series was going to continue. The ending of Wanted was really breath-taking. I had nightmares about that book, I kid you not. I thought it had tied up really nicely in the end there, with a little bit of mystery left behind. But of course...this is where Twisted comes in.

I really thought that this was kind of...jumpy?? Then again, I haven't read the series in a while, and this one totally caught my off-guard. The TV shows seems so...tame compared to the books. There's so much that goes on in this book that makes you think: isn't that enough already?! Some details and events that go on are so WEIRD in this book. Like for example, ***WARNING: DO NOT READ UNLESS YOU'VE READ IT/WANT IT TO BE SPOILED FOR YOU*** Emily's totally random pregnancy. What the hell was that? That was just there for like a chapter and then Poof! gone. I think it was somewhat unnecessary and something that the book didn't need to have. ***SPOILER OVER*** I would have to say, I'd much prefer the TV show if the books are gonna end up like this.

That was the only problem I had with the book. I found this book a slightly more interesting take on the events following what happened in Wanted. I liked the flashbacks, I found "A" even creepier and the things that these girls get into even more scandalous.

Spencer's story is slightly off-putting. I thought her mom and dad would be getting back together... which they do not in this book. Instead, her mom's about to get married to this total jerk. Hanna's is just very Hanna-like. Again, comparing to the TV series, book-Hanna and TV-Hanna are SO different. Let's just say I prefer TV-Hanna. Emily's story is really sad. Like sad sad. I don't know why she has to suffer the most. I would have to say though, that Aria's was the most gripping. I anxiously waited to continue her story and find out what happens. Although hers seems the most cliché, I think that's the one with the most whats-gonna-happen? potential.

I had no idea how Shepard was going to reel back in the series (and especially A) but she's pulled it off nicely, and everything fits. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on Ruthless... the secrets, lies, A– it's all coming back to me now. I'm glad that she's continuing the series because, a) now the TV show can go on for much longer ;D and b) It's just a guilty pleasure to read these books.
Although this book has disappointed some people, I enjoyed it. Suspenseful, mysterious, scandalous, and heaped with tons of dirty and deadly secrets, this will keep you up at night.


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Waiting on Wednesday – Week 42

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine. It's to spotlight upcoming reads which I'm dying to get my hands on.

This week's WoW is:
For Darkness Shows the Stars by Diana Peterfreund

Generations ago, a genetic experiment gone wrong—the Reduction—decimated humanity, giving rise to a Luddite nobility who outlawed most technology.

Eighteen-year-old Luddite Elliot North has always known her place in this caste system. Four years ago Elliot refused to run away with her childhood sweetheart, the servant Kai, choosing duty to her family’s estate over love. But now the world has changed: a new class of Post-Reductionists is jumpstarting the wheel of progress and threatening Luddite control; Elliot’s estate is floundering; and she’s forced to rent land to the mysterious Cloud Fleet, a group of shipbuilders that includes renowned explorer Captain Malakai Wentforth—an almost unrecognizable Kai. And while Elliott wonders if this could be their second chance, Kai seems determined to show Elliot exactly what she gave up when she abandoned him.

But Elliot soon discovers her childhood friend carries a secret—-one that could change the society in which they live…or bring it to its knees. And again, she’s faced with a choice: cling to what she’s been raised to believe, or cast her lot with the only boy she’s ever loved, even if she has lost him forever.

Inspired by Jane Austen’s PERSUASION, FOR DARKNESS SHOWS THE STARS is a breathtaking romance about opening your mind to the future and your heart to the one person you know can break it.

Release Date: June 12, 2012

I've never read Rampant, but I totally can't wait for this one! The cover is absolutely gorgeous and the storyline sounds amazing. I never managed to finish Persuasion by Jane Austen, but if this one turns out to be as awesome as it sounds, then I think I'll give it a try :)

What are you waiting on?

Confessions of the Sullivan Sisters by Natalie Standiford

Confessions of the Sullivan Sisters by Natalie Standiford

Release Date: September 1, 2010
Publisher: Scholastic
Rating: YA 14+
Format: Hardcover
Source: Borrowed
Buy: AmazonThe Book Depository

The Sullivan sisters have a big problem. On Christmas Day their rich and imperious grandmother gathers the family and announces that she will soon die . . .and has cut the entire family out of her will. Since she is the source of almost all their income, this means they will soon be penniless.

Someone in the family has offended her deeply. If that person comes forward with a confession of her (or his) crime, submitted in writing to her lawyer by New Year's Day, she will reinstate the family in her will. Or at least consider it.

And so the confessions begin...

I decided to give this one a whirl when it was new to my school library (okay, I admit I was wowed by the cover), and I didn't know what to expect when I started into this book. And let me tell you this: I enjoyed it. It's fresh, original and 'sparky', the three stories of the three sisters all look at the same time frame and same events with a fresh outlook from three perspectives.

Norrie, Jane, and Sassy in typical fictitious sisterly-fashion, all have completely different personalities. Just like the March Sisters (Meg, Jo, Beth, Amy), Norrie is the mature one with a heart set on romance and embracing adulthood, Jane is the rebellious, fun and continues to try to expose her family for who they really are, and Sassy is the adorable, innocent sister who has a lot on her plate.

Out of the three I liked Jane the best because of her hilarious nature, and for going against the stereotype of the rich class. She's determined and has a soft side...for a total (okay, sorta) badass. 
Sassy on the other hand acted too much of a baby I would say. I don't know about you all but when I was in the 9th grade, I wouldn't have believed that I was immortal for being in too many accidents and getting off with nothing more than a bruise. The way her tone was during throughout her story was kind of childish and I would say, the least interesting, although her tuition sessions are something to giggle about.
AANNNNDDD Norrie. Well, there's not much to say. I think she's a neutral character. You don't really hate her, but you don't like her as well. But I gotta say, her story's the best... it's got the most stuff going on.

The ending however, was somewhat predictable. I'm not gonna give anything away, but *shrugs* I guess I saw that one coming. I love how all three sisters only find comfort in each other and how their different stories intertwine together in the end.

Natalie Standiford has written a volume of three confessions by the Sullivan Sisters. Love, Freedom, and Godliness are written in these stories for a family to save their fortune. I loved it and will definitely be looking for more by this author.

OH, and actually exists!

If you like this book, try...

Exams are Over!

As you could see by the heading...


11 exams in 2 weeks. 
Math, English (Lang + Lit), Co-Science (Bio, Chem, Physics), Geography, French.


Now I'm gonna go read something :)
(and sorry for posting this on a day or two later...)

There's still time to enter in votes for BOOKS I LIVE TO READ FOR 2011, which gives you five TEN points in the giveaway to come! :D

I'll be back on Thursday. I'm leaving for Thailand (Beaches...) ;P

Dream Cast: A Great and Terrible Beauty

I started thinking about who could play what in YA books if it were adapted to a movie, and THUS, I wanna start making "dream cast" posts. So... this is gonna be fun.

Today's movie dream cast is for:

A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray


Emma Stone
(Easy A, The Help)

I absolutely adore Stone, and even though I've only seen her in Easy A, I found her hilariously refreshing. Gemma in the book has somewhat a funny side, so it would be good to see Stone perform comically in the movie time to time. Plus, Gemma has green eyes, and they look absolutely stunning on Emma Stone in the right photo!


Candice Accola
(The Vampire Diaries [TV], Juno)

I believe she's a natural blonde, but she's just as gorgeous as a red-head. I would say she would fit the part more than Stone, passing off more as British. It's a tough decision though!


Ashley Benson
(Pretty Little Liars [TV])

When I thought of who could play Felicity, the only person coming to mind was Ashley Benson, and I agree completely hands down. I don't know if anyone else could really fit the part, but she's got that seducing look that Felicity's supposed to have, that eye-balling stare...


Anna Popplewell
(The Chronicles of Narnia)

She's so effing PRETTY! Pippa's supposed to be the beauty of the group, and I definitely thing Popplewell could do it fabulously.


Leighton Meester
(Gossip Girl [TV], Monte Carlo)

AHHH! She looks the part in this photo already :D Love her so much on GG, so I couldn't help but picture her as Pippa.


Molly Quinn
(Castle [TV], Avalon High)

Ann is supposed to be plain and almost dull of sort, and Quinn is anything but. However, I just couldn't help but picture Ann and her. She's got that natural beauty, simple and not-overly obvious. That's why I think her ideal.


This one was a toughie, I had to admit. I can't think of anyone (any teen Indian actors) and so this was the closest I could come up with:

Avan Jogia
(Victorious [TV])

...well, he's somewhat half-Indian, and maybe in a couple years or so, he would become the more ideal Kartik.

Hester Asa Moore / Sarah Rees-Toome / Circe

Michelle Pfeiffer
(Stardust, A Midsummer Night's Dream, I Am Sam, etc.)

After seeing her in Stardust as a witch, I don't think I could portray her anything less than fantasy. She's got that mythical look, like she could be a sorceress, or a witch, or a spellcaster of some sort...and yet, a teacher at a boarding school. Perfect for the part!

Well, that was my casting for A Great and Terrible Beauty. It was originally to become a movie, but unfortunately, they stopped production :( sad, because I think this is seriously amazing movie material. Anyway, who would you cast for this book? and,

which book should I cast next week?

Waiting on Wednesday – Week 41

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It's to spotlight upcoming reads which I'm DYING to get my hand on.

This week's WoW is:

Where It Began by Ann Redisch Stampler

A teen’s world comes crashing down in this compulsively readable YA debut that’s as literary as it is commercial.

Gabby Gardiner wakes up in a hospital bed looking like a cautionary ad for drunk driving—and without a single memory of the accident that landed her there. But what she can recall, in frank and sardonic detail, is the year leading up to the crash.

As Gabby describes her transformation from Invisible Girl to Trendy Girl Who Dates Billy Nash (aka Most Desirable Boy Ever), she is left wondering: Why is Billy suddenly distancing himself from her? What do her classmates know that Gabby does not? Who exactly was in the car that night? And why has Gabby been left to take the fall?

As she peels back the layers of her life, Gabby begins to realize that her climb up the status ladder has been as intoxicating as it has been morally complex...and that nothing about her life is what she has imagined it to be.

Release Date: March 6, 2012

Why do I want this book? Do you really even need ASK?! *sighhh* fine, here I go...

1) I'm a sucker for the whole I-can't-remember-anything-from-before thing, it's kinda like Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver, which really questions the character, "why the hell did I do that?" (Woah. In depth analysis from me much?)

2) Totally mysterious. Now I wanna know what happened. Like, NOW people. Jeez. *rolls eyes*

3) It's blurbed by Jenny Han. 'Nuff said.

Those are my three reasons why. Gorgeous cover, mysterious premise, AWESOME story.

What are you waiting on?

Top Ten Tuesday – Week 27

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. Today's top ten is:

Top Ten Books I'd Recommend to Someone who doesn't read Paranormal YA

Why didn't I choose just YA? It would be a longer list if I had to include Dystopian, Contemp etc.
*deep breath* Okay. Tough. As usual.

So here we go:

1. Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. One of the best angel books I've read. And talk about a yummy guy. Patch *swooonnnnn*. Can't wait to get to reading Silence.

2. The Iron Fey by Julie Kagawa. Although I love a TON of Faerie and Fey series out there, none have captivated me as much as this series. TEAM ASH! But I must say, that love triangle was seriously one of the most complicated things to figure out.

3. The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare. I first had doubts about this one when I first started reading but OH. MY. GOD. I couldn't put it down. Then I had to borrow the next, and the one after that, and so on. LOVE LOVE LOVE. The Infernal Devices is also SO GOOD. Team Jace (TMI) and Will (TID) all the way.

4. Fallen by Lauren Kate. Another amazing fallen angels series. Totally can't wait for Rapture! I need more Daniel :D.

5. Paranormalcy by Kiersten White. I've only read book 1 of this series, and think it's seriously one of the funniest paranormals out there. The best part? it's a mix of paranormal creatures :).

6. The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting. An original premise, this series has been ultimately unputdownable! Love it– I can't wait for the next one to come out. Jay <3.

7. The Wolves of Mercy Falls by Maggie Stiefvater. GASP, WEREWOLVES?!?! Okay, yeah, but so much BETTER than Twilight...even though I have a soft spot for Jacob. But Sam completely steals my heart. And in Linger, Cole as well. I really need to get my hands on the last book– I need to know how it ends!

8. The Gemma Doyle Trilogy by Libba Bray. The ultimate paranormal book for those who love historical fiction/classics. Love this series so much, and really wished that it had become a movie :(.

9. Wings by Aprilynne Pike. Another faeries series that totally rocks! Now the complicated question: team David or team Tamini?? I've only read upto Spells so I'm kinda stuck :S

10. Spellbound by Cara Lynn Shultz. A 2011 debut, I fell in love with this one...and of course, Brandon ;) I have Spellcaster for review, so can't wait to get reading that one!

What's your top ten?

Everything You Need to Survive the Apocalypse by Lucas Klauss

Everything You Need to Survive the Apocalypse by Lucas Klauss

Release Date: January 3, 2012
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Rated: YA 14+
Format: eGalley
Source: Author
Buy: AmazonThe Book Depository

Phillip's sophomore year is off to a rough start. One of his best friends ditches him for a group of douchebags. His track coach singles him out for personalized, torturous training sessions. And his dad decides to clean out all of the emergency supplies from the basement, even though the world could end in disaster at any moment...and even though those supplies are all Phillip has left of his dead mom. Not that he wants to talk about that.

But then Phillip meets Rebekah. Not only is she unconventionally hot and smart, but she has seriously great boobs. And she might like him back.

As Phillip gets closer to Rebekah, he tries harder and harder to turn himself into the kind of person he thinks she wants him to be. But the question is, can he become that person? And does he really want to?

This was a great contemporary novel, yet I didn't realise how religious it was. There's no mention about it in the blurb, so I assumed it would just be a regular YA contemporary from a guy's (YAY!) point of view.
Even though I prefer not to read religious themed books, Lucas Klauss' writing made me want to read on and made me laugh, and curious about Philip's past with his mom.

To see Philip's struggle emotionally and physically as he comes to terms with who he is and what he really wants was a thumbs up for me. It really got in depth with what Philip's thoughts were during the whole book, and I think that's important as it really showed his character, and that he has flaws, just like any other being. What I didn't like, however, was his need to impress Rebekah. I guess that's one of his flaws, but I don't know what I'd say if a guy converted just to ask me out. Just a little too much effort on his part, I think.

Rebekah was a character I can't really say I like, but then I can't really find anything to hate about her as well. She's just one of those in-between characters that I feel neutral about. Although I do hate her in one'll just have to read to find out :)
FERRET!!! I gotta say, that guy is great. He's practically the stereotypical teacher (according to Philip)– doesn't think about the pain of others, just overdoes it and then sees the damage in the end. But I love the connection that he and Philip have during the book, as it grows from hate to mutual understanding. And plus, those runs that he makes Philip endure sound really painful.

I guess because I'm not Christian, I didn't understand some parts of the book which had to do with more religious stuff. But as Philip's learning it for the first time as well, it really helped to see things through his perspective as he learns and tries about this religion.

Overall, Everything You Need to Survive the Apocalypse, other than being a HUGE title, is a great story about finding yourself and what you believe in. Funny and a real eye-opener, you just can't help but fall in love with Philip as he gives his best effort into getting the girl– even if it means changing what you believe in and taking in the world around you. Lucas Klauss has written an amazing debut which, even though religious, will catch the interest of many YA readers. You need to read this book!

If you like this, try...

*Thank you so much to Lucas Klauss for sending me an eGalley of this book*

Movie Reviews (11)

To take a break from the book reviews I do reviews on something else I love (almost) as much: movie reviews! Just short, around a paragraph ones about what I thought about it. Okay, so here we go!

Wild Child (2008)

Starring: Emma Roberts, Alex Pettyfer
Rated: PG-13
My Rating: 3.5 stars

Not the most enjoyable film, but there's something always hilarious about an American in England :)
Emma Roberts...I found her playing the perfect brat, SO bratty I wanted to strangle her. I mean seriously, really whinny and annoying, which I guess she was going for, so in that case, it worked. And of course, Alex Pettyfer! I actually had no idea he was in this movie, but it was a great (and totally awesome) surprise to see him in it. Love the whole boarding school and the rivalry between the head girl and Poppy. Loads of laughs and cringe-worthy moments as well.
Recommended to people who liked Aquamarine and Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging.

Avalon High (2010)

Starring: Britt Robertson, Gregg Sulkin
Rated: PG
My Rating: 2.5 stars

For me, this was a complete letdown. It does NOT follow this book. They even changed the ending! GRRR. It's a shame, because I really wanted to see this one badly because Avalon High by Meg Cabot is seriously one of my all-time favorite books. Well, at least Gregg Sulkin made me happy :) But he does sound strange with an American accent...oh well.
The ending was kinda weird, although I totally didn't expect it. Some people have been hinting at it to me, but I only found out now. I guess if you haven't read the book this would be more likeable, although for me, it's not what I (unfortunately) expected.
Recommended to people who liked The Princess Diaries.

Well, that's all for this week (and by the time you're reading this, I'm halfway done with exams!) and look for another one next week :)

What movie(s) have you watched recently?

Waiting on Wednesday – Week 40

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It's to spotlight upcoming reads which I'm DYING to get my hands on.

This week's WoW is:
Unraveling by Elizabeth Norris

Two days before the start of her junior year, seventeen-year-old Janelle Tenner is hit by a pickup truck and killed—as in blinding light, scenes of her life flashing before her, and then nothing. Except the next thing she knows, she’s opening her eyes to find Ben Michaels, a loner from her high school whom Janelle has never talked to, leaning over her. And even though it isn’t possible, Janelle knows—with every fiber of her being—that Ben has somehow brought her back to life. 

But her reincarnation, and Ben’s possible role in it, is only the first of the puzzles that Janelle must solve. While snooping in her FBI-agent father’s files for clues about her accident, she uncovers a clock that seems to be counting down to something—but to what? And when someone close to Janelle is killed, she can no longer deny what’s right in front of her: Everything that’s happened—the accident, the murder, the countdown clock, Ben’s sudden appearance in her life—points to the end of life as she knows it. And as the clock ticks down, she realizes that if she wants to put a stop to the end of the world, she’s going to need to uncover Ben’s secrets—and keep from falling in love with him in the process. 

From debut author Elizabeth Norris comes this shattering novel of one girl’s fight to save herself, her world, and the one boy she never saw coming.

Release Date: April 24, 2012

This one sounds thrilling, kinda like one of those race-against-time movies. Gods, absolutely love those. So therefore, I'll love this one. And it helps that there's the guy on the cover...which I must say also looks like a movie poster. Totally can't wait now!

What are you waiting on?

Bloody Bookaholic's Bloody AMAZING giveaway!

Hey Guys!

Exams are still on, I know, but here's a little announcement:

How would you like to win a bunch of books from 40 choices?? 

Well, Taschima over at Bloody Bookaholic is having a Good Bye 2011 Contest where 3 winners will be able to win 40 books!

And even more awesome than it already is: it's INTERNATIONAL!

so why not head over there and enter?? here's a pick of what you can win:

I can practically see your mouth watering at the loot here. FLY MY PRETTIES, FLY! Flock over to her blog and enter!

Top Ten Tuesday – Week 26

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's top ten is:

Top Ten Authors I Wish Would Write Another Book

Wow...tricky. For once, I think this is gonna be a shortlist due to the fact that authors I love totally write books periodically. So okay, here we go:

1. Anne Brashares. I know the most recent Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants book came out, but seriously? The fourth one came out when (I think) I was in the 6th grade. That was FOUR YEARS AGO. That's a seriously long time. I want more from her though– love her books!

2. Laurie Halse Anderson. Although I've only read Speak and Prom I've fallen in love with her writing. I went to check if she's written anything YA recently. Nope. More please! :D

3. James A. Owen. This is probably the only fantasy series I read currently...sort of. I still haven't read the fifth, but it came out 2010, so I'm hoping more books in the Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica come out.

4. Jerry Spinelli. I've only read Stargirl, but I absolutely loved it. My sister's trying to get me to read Maniac Magee which she loved, although I can't, 'cause I don't have time (now...I will get to it eventually!). I have to read his other books, but he hasn't written anything lately, so therefore = ON THE LIST.

ANNNND that's all I could think of unfortunately. Well, fortunately actually, because that means loads of authors I read provide amazing stuff to read every so often :) YAY!

What's your top ten?

Let the Exams BEGIN

By the time this is posted, I've JUST started my first exam of 11. So, I'll see you in 2 weeks! They end on Jan 20th, and I've already got some scheduled posts for the time I'm gone :) So hopefully, it won't be too boring here.


Here's a list of things you can do while I'm gone:

1. Enter in your votes for Books I Live to Read For 2011. (HINT: It will give you 5 plus points into the giveaway I'm holding at the end for this event + 200 Followers)

2. Recommend me a book using THIS form!

3. Leave a link in the comments to a funny pic (I totally recommend tumblr ;D) or tell me a funny story to make my day.

4. Tell me something you've watched recently, which you recommend. I'm looking for movies to watch for Movie Reviews.

5. ...and I think I'm outta ideas.

ARGH. Okay, I better sign off. See ya soon!