"In My Mailbox" is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. It's to show y'all what amazing books I bought/borrowed/received this week! I feel too lazy today, so I'll post pics, sorry no vlog!.
Confessions of a Triple Shot Betty by Jody Gehrman (Amazon❘Goodreads)
Borrowed from Friend:
Oh. My. Gods. by Tera Lynn Childs (Amazon❘Goodreads)
(There was a huge booksale at school, so I got a whole bunch!)
Jessica Darling: Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty (Amazon❘Goodreads)
Paranormalcy by Kiersten White *(Bought at Borders) (Amazon❘Goodreads)
Confessions of Georgia Nicholson: Dancing in My Nuddy-Pants by Louise Rennison (Amazon❘Goodreads)
Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen (Amazon❘Goodreads)
Impulse by Ellen Hopkins (Amazon❘Goodreads)
Wicked: Witch & Curse by Nancy Holder and Debbie ViguiƩ (Amazon
Well, that's what I got this week! What did you get?? Leave a link/comment!
Confessions of a Triple Shot Betty by Jody Gehrman (Amazon❘Goodreads)
Borrowed from Friend:
Oh. My. Gods. by Tera Lynn Childs (Amazon❘Goodreads)
(There was a huge booksale at school, so I got a whole bunch!)
Jessica Darling: Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty (Amazon❘Goodreads)
Paranormalcy by Kiersten White *(Bought at Borders) (Amazon❘Goodreads)
Confessions of Georgia Nicholson: Dancing in My Nuddy-Pants by Louise Rennison (Amazon❘Goodreads)
Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen (Amazon❘Goodreads)
Impulse by Ellen Hopkins (Amazon❘Goodreads)
Wicked: Witch & Curse by Nancy Holder and Debbie ViguiƩ (Amazon
Well, that's what I got this week! What did you get?? Leave a link/comment!