Cover Love - Week 5

"Cover Love" is a weekly meme I've adapted from 21 Pages. This week's Cover Love is: Books with Enlarged Lips. I got this idea when I saw covers from, the first book (below) and I was thinking, huh, I wonder if I could find more...and I did!

Okay, the first up is the one which inspired me to do this week's theme. Need by Carrie Jones.

And here's the next one that really caught my attention. Bitter Frost by Kailin Gow.

This cover REALLY caught my attention. Love it! a deadly kinda way. Bad Taste in Boys by Carrie Harris.

This one is a new book, which I'm DYING to read. Other Words for Love by Lorraine Zago Rosenthal.

Pink by Lili Wilkinson was one book that kept on popping up on other people's book blogs. NEED. TO. READ. IT.

This one sound really good...Love the cover! (That's why it's COVER LOVE...duh!) Drink, Slay, Love by Sarah Beth Durst.

And Lastly, the book I just borrowed today (and cannot WAIT to read), The Real Real by Emma McLaughlin & Nicola Kraus.

well, that's it for this week's Cover Love! Leave a link to your own Cover Love post, and/or leave a comment with a cover that relates to this theme!

1 comment:

  1. I really like Bitter Frost & Bad Taste in Boys covers! Nice Cover Love this week!

    This week I'm crazy about Starcrossed's cover, it really gorgeous! Cover Crazy-Book Addict


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